The HCP resource centre contains numerous
resources made in conjunction with KOLs to
inform and upskill healthcare professionals
about Vitamin D.

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Personalising Care of Older Women with Breast Cancer in the Era of Geriatric Surgery
Dr Clement Chia
Perioperative care of a geriatric oncological patient
Dr Tan Boon Hian


Not all patients are created equal, especially when facing surgery. This lecture explores the crucial element of personalizing perioperative care for older adults and older women with breast cancer, including the potential role of vitamin D supplementation and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach for optimal care.

Strengthening our Society
Dr Frederick Koh and Dr Lim Hui Fang


Sarcopenia, an increasing recognised public health problem, is one of the most common causes of disability in older adults and has been regarded in the precursor of clinical frailty.

Sarcopenia and chronic airway diseases are often associated, which can make these conditions harder to treat. However, there are ways to potentially prevent and reduced the effects of sarcopenia. One treatment modality includes the prescription of Vitamin D which is an intrinsic component of muscle health.

Vitamin D and COVID-19
Prof Adrian Martineau
Professor of Respiratory Infection and Immunity, Queen Mary University of London


The immunomodulatory actions of vitamin D in viral infections and an overview of the evidence relating to a potential role for vitamin D in the prevention and/ or treatment of COVID 19 was discussed.

How Relevant is Vitamin D in the Fight Against COVID-19 and Respiratory Infections
Prof Olivier Bruyère
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Geriatric Rehabilitation, University of Liège


Using the widely used Bradford Hill’s criteria for causation, the lecturer will discuss whether evidence supports vitamin D status as a biological determinant of COVID-19 outcomes and vitamin D supplementation as potential efficient preventive measure of the pandemic.

Vitamin D Beyond Bone Health – Immunity and Respiratory Effect
Dr Matthew Tan
Consultant Endocrinologist, Dr Matthew Tan Diabetes and Endocrine Care


This talk aims to present the latest updates and evidences on the link between vitamin D deficiency, immunity and respiratory health.

Vitamin D 360- Insights on the Sunshine Vitamin in Singapore
Dr Matthew Tan
Consultant Endocrinologist, Dr Matthew Tan Diabetes and Endocrine Care


Besides looking at some of the randomized control trials and meta-analysis on vitamin D, understand the local landscape from a recently published retrospective study of over 15,000 adult patients that had vitamin D tested and treated in a local tertiary institution and review patient case studies on vitamin D treatment.

Immunity and You
Assoc Prof Leong Keng Hong
Consultant Rheumatologist, Leong Keng Hong Arthritis & Medical Clinic


On Vitamin D: How do we test for vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency? Which patients need these tests? How do we make the levels replete again? These questions on vitamin D will be explored in Part 1 of this lecture.

D First Vitamin for Better Health
Dr Leong Hoe Nam
Senior Consultant Infectious Diseases Physician, Rophi Clinic


In the past decade, the role of Vitamin D has changed dramatically. From a vitamin for calcium absorption, this cholesterol-based vitamin is now touted as a hormone, an anti-inflammatory wonder pill and even protective or preventive role in infection. This talk will examine the data of Vitamin D in various uses, with a focus on infectious diseases. It will discuss if the recommended daily allowance of 400-800 IU sufficient or even realistic to keep the values normal. Can Vitamin D be replaced simply and adequately?

The HCP resource centre contains numerous
resources made in conjunction with KOLs to
inform and upskill healthcare professionals
about Vitamin D.